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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba On Stage Entertainment District Arc

Director:Haruo Sotozaki

Synopsis / Ringkasan:

Setelah mengatasi pertarungan sengit di Distrik Hiburan, Tanjiro, Ne zuko, Zenitsu, Inosuke, dan Uzui berkumpul untuk merenung dan membuat laporan dari insiden tersebut. Dari pertemuan mereka dengan Uzui di Butterfly Mansion, hingga penyusupan mereka Distrik Hiburan, dan pertarungan mereka sampai mati melawan Pangkat Atas Iblis, mereka mendiskusikan pemikiran mereka setelah mengatasi banyak rintangan ini...
After overcoming the fierce battle at the Entertainment District, Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Uzui gather together to reflect and create a report of the incidents. From their encounter with Uzui at the Butterfly Mansion, to their infiltration of the Entertainment District, and their battle to the death against Upper Rank Demons, they discuss their thoughts after overcoming these many hurdles...

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