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Duration:99 minutes
Casts:Emily Hampshire, Kris Holden-Ried, Shawn Doyle
Director:Manuel Carballo

Synopsis / Ringkasan:

Kondisi dunia setelah manusia menjadi zombi, kini setiap hari mereka harus disuntik dengan 'Protein Pengembalian' agar virus tidak menyebar dan manusia setengah zombi dapat hidup normal. Namun kelompok Anti-Pengembalian melakukan pemberontakkan, dan dunia kembali menjadi kacau. Kini dalam keadaan mendesak, mereka harus menghadapi ketakutannya yang paling besar. In a post-zombie world, a treatment called the "Return Protein" can stop the spread of the virus if injected quickly after infection, but cannot cure it. With daily injections, the "Returned" are able to live relatively normal lives. But with brutal attacks at the hands of Anti-Return groups and rumors that protein stock is running low, the world is again on the brink of chaos. Now in a race against the clock, they must face their worst fears.

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