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Synopsis / Ringkasan:

Berbagai keinginan dari para pekerja kelas bawah mulai berkumpul mengelilingi sekantong uang. Sebuah kumpulan nasib masayarakat kelas bawah yang sedang diuji. Joong-man menemukan setumpuk uang tunai dalam tas di sauna. Kehidupan terpuruk serta ibu yang pesakitan menenggelamkan Joong-man serta orang-orang yang terlibat menjadi kelam. Setelahnya pertumpahan darah, intrik, serta kelamnya masayarakat bawah memperebutkan uang menjadi lebih mencekam.

\nDifferent desires of these lowlifes slowly gather around the money bag. The destinies of hard-luck lowlifes slowly converge and come crashing down: Joong-man barely gets by working at a sauna and taking care of his sick mother until he finds a bag full of cash in the locker room; Tae-young is in trouble after his girlfriend runs away with the money he borrowed from a loan shark. Soon, a dead body mysteriously turns up; Mi-ran, caught between her husbands violence and a dead-end job as a bar hostess, she finds a young lover Jin-tae, who offers to kill her husband And now their dog-eat-dog game starts.

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