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Casts:Sol Kyung Gu, Ha Ji Won, Park Joong Hoon, Uhm Jung Hwa
Director:JK Youn

Synopsis / Ringkasan:

Bahasa Indonesia - Ahli geologi Kim Hwi mengunjungi pantai Haeundae di tengah jutaan turis karena dia yakin akan datangnya tsunami. Ketakutan terburuknya mungkin menjadi kenyataan setelah disangkal oleh badan pencegahan bencana.Satu-satunya jalan saat ini adalah melarikan diri sesegera mungkin. Karena Tsunami paling dahsyat mengancam nyawa dan siap menyapu kota. Sebuah mahakarya blokbuster dari JK Youn dengan tim CGI pembuat Lord of The Rings dan The Day After Tomorrow.

English - Geologist Kim Hwi visits the Haeundae beach amidst millions of tourists as he is convinced of an impending tsunami. His worst fears may come true after being denied by the disaster prevention agency. The only way at this time was to flee as soon as possible. Because the most devastating Tsunami threatens lives and is ready to sweep the city. A blockbuster masterpiece from JK Youn with the CGI team of Lord of The Rings and The Day After Tomorrow.

(In Korean with Indonesian/English subtitles)

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